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Do I need a CRM? - DigiGriot

Written by George Fahouris | Sep 30, 2019 2:02:51 PM

In the digital age of sales, marketing, and customer service, information is oftentimes the key to success. Having easy access to comprehensive data and information about your customers and potential leads is an absolutely vital component to remaining competitive. It is this unquenchable thirst for data that makes a centralized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system one of the most important systems for any company, regardless of the industry. If implemented and used properly, a CRM system will help drive down costs, increase employee productivity, help deliver a better customer experience, and increase revenue. 

What is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System?

In the 21st century, the rapid evolution of the technological landscape can make providing an excellent customer experience increasingly complicated. Customers expect consistency across the many touchpoints and channels that interact with your brand, making a CRM system an essential part of any sales, marketing, and customer service team.

A CRM conveniently stores all user interaction data in one place, helping you create a unique customer experience that is focused, personalized, and relevant.

In the new age of data-driven sales and marketing, a well-integrated CRM goes beyond simply hoarding primary contact data. It can also provide you with data that reports on how prospects, clients, and partners interact with the multiple touchpoints of your brand, which can include websites, e-commerce, email, social, chat, email, telephone and customer service centers.

What are the Benefits of a CRM System?

CRM offers a number of amazing benefits, including reducing costs, optimizing revenue and profitability, and promoting customer satisfaction and loyalty.  However, those are not the only perks of implementing a centralized CRM system. Below are more details regarding how a CRM will benefit your company: 

Centralized Data

In the digital age, data is the most valuable asset a company can have. It has become a trillion-dollar industry, as corporations such as Facebook and Amazon are constantly using data to better target potential consumers and grow sales. A CRM system gives you access to a central repository for all customer data and communications, including documents, invoices, emails, chats, telephone conversations, and social engagements. Centralized data will improve customer communications and allow you to build a deeper and more connected relationship with your clients.

Improve Customer Experience

Giving all your employees access to the CRM system will increase collaboration, automate processes, improve efficiencies, and increase accountability, leading to an improved customer experience. Data has shown that an improved CX can drive more revenue, since customers who have an excellent customer experience buy more, buy more often, and tell their friends about their positive experience. 


A CRM not only collects and stores all customer information in one place, but it also makes the data easily accessible by all employees, increasing cooperation and saving your company time and money. Nowadays, multiple communication channels are needed to service your customers, and a CRM system makes organization and collaboration between these channels simple, making CRM critical to successful client management. 

Automation and Efficiency

Most CRM systems integrate with multiple other systems, including marketing automation, service modules, and analytics tools. By automating these manual processes, you can increase efficiencies across multiple touchpoints and interactions. This gives smaller companies the ability to offer an efficient and automated customer experience that in the past was typically only available to larger enterprises. 

Happier Employees

A CRM system means less frustration for your employees. Having all the information about the customer, the products they are using or have purchased, and previous conversations all in one place can greatly improve your employees’ job satisfaction. The more knowledge your employees have about a client, the more empowered they are to solve a problem on the spot and thus increase both the employee and the client experience.

Who Does CRM Technology Support?

A CRM system is a powerful technology, offering cutting-edge support for sales, marketing, customer service, and management in a variety of different ways. Beyond offering advanced analytics and reporting, increasing collaboration between departments, and streamlining communication, CRM offers sales, marketing, customer service, and management the following benefits.


  • Tracks deals from discovery through a signed contract, providing a high-level-view of your pipeline at all times
  • Builds better relationships with clients
  • Helps identify and automate lifecycle stages
  • Facilitates management of the sales force.


  • Identifies leads and potential customers
  • Improves client communication and relationship management
  • Provides greater prospect and customer insights
  • Increases the ease of social interactions

Customer Service

  • Creates a repository where customer tickets and resolution information is stored
  • Centralizes information about prospects and clients concerns
  • Improves communication throughout the customer service team


  • Increases team collaboration and employee satisfaction 
  • Provides immediate employee and customer feedback
  • Reduces overhead
  • Engages a client with multiple employees, lowering the risk of client attrition
  • Provides real-time reporting and drives employee accountability

CRM Technology is a Key to Success

If you believe that delivering an exceptional Customer Experience (CX) is essential to your brand, then a customer relationship management system will help you achieve success. The digitization of business has made it difficult to manage customer data and communications, but a CRM system organizes all of the data you need in one centralized location. Not only will this customer-centric approach improve customer satisfaction, but it can also boost revenue, increase profits, and lead to happier employees.

A well-implemented CRM system is a necessity in the 21st century. If your business has not yet implemented a CRM system, then request a 30-minute free consultation with Digigriot. Our team has expertise in equipping your company with an innovative and intuitive CRM system to streamline business and improve sales and customer experience. To learn more, give us a call at 619-378-0321.